Russell White
New face…
It was July 2020, after the first shock of the pandemic was easing slightly, that I got an email from Josh the modelling agent.
‘Are you still in London? Are you still photographing?’
Recall how, after the initial seismic shock of the coronavirus had passed, people seemed to be dusting themselves off and going ‘so what the hell just happened and where were we?’ Like, are you still around?
It was like any attempt to try and get back to anything resembling what life used to be like.
I told Josh, yes I was still a photographer and yes I’d take some photos of a model who he’d never met, except on Zoom.
So Russell White and I met in a deserted park in London. Even though it was legal most people were still at home.
This was perhaps the first-ever professional shoot Russell had done. It was the first time I’d had someone in front of my camera for about three months.
I remember just thinking, right let’s pick some clothes out of that bag we’ve got (remember no stylist allowed) and then if you lie there and I load this film into the camera… That’s all there is to it, yes?
Photos taken in London, August 2020. Russell via MiLK Collective. Our who’s who here has more details.
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